The Knowledge Object Implementation Ontology (KOIO) is a formal, standardized representational framework spanning what exists and is implemented in the form of Knowledge Objects.
KOIO is defined by KOIO JSON-LD Context, which has these elements:
Knowledge Object (opens new window) - is an Information Artifact capable of serving a role as the atomic unit of computable knowledge. The following are required elements of a koio:KnowledgeObject.
- @id - identifies the ko (e.g. js/simple/v1.0). This is combined with the naan/name/version of the KO to create
- @type - classifies the object, (e.g. koio:KnowledgeObject)
- identifier - arkid for the object (e.g. ark:/js/simple/v1.0)
- version - source version of the object
- hasServiceSpecification - This specification is in the form of a OpenAPI document. Details can be found at Using OpenAPI
- hasDeploymentSpecification - This specification is in the form of yaml.
- hasPayload - specifies the code artifact(s)