# KGrid Quick Start

# Using the internal runtime

CircleCI (opens new window)

# Step 1 - Install the KGrid CLI (opens new window)

> npm install -g @kgrid/cli

# Step 2 - Install a Kgrid in your directory storing the KOs (KGrid workspace)

You will create a new directory for a local grid and install the Kgrid Library and Activator

> mkdir mygrid
> cd mygrid
> kgrid setup
KGrid CLI v0.5.0

Setting up kgrid at {path}/mycollection/.kgrid
Downloading kgrid components... done
kgrid setup complete

You can check that everything has been installed with the following command:

> kgrid --version
Checking JAVA Version ...
java version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13-LTS)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.1+13-LTS, mixed mode)

Checking Node Version ...

KGrid Components Version ...
KGRID Components are installed at: ../mygrid/.kgrid

  KGRID Library:   version 1.2.8    Latest Version

  KGRID Activator: version 1.7.0    Latest Version

@kgrid/cli/0.5.6 darwin-x64 node-v10.15.3

# Step 3 - Start a local grid

Start KGrid & verify in the browser that the activator and library are running. You will point to a manifest file to tell the Activator to load example objects.

> kgrid start -m https://github.com/kgrid-objects/example-collection/releases/download/4.2.1/getting-started-manifest.json
KGrid CLI v0.5.6

Checking KGrid Components Version ...
KGRID Components are installed at: /Users/pboisver/dev/42/.kgrid

  KGRID Library:   version 1.2.8    Latest Version

  KGRID Activator: version 1.7.0    Latest Version

java -jar ./.kgrid/kgrid-library-1.2.8.jar --kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url=filesystem:file:////Users/username/mygrid --server.port=8081 --kgrid.shelf.manifest=https://github.com/kgrid-objects/example-collection/releases/download/4.2.1/getting-started-manifest.json

Starting KGrid library...
java -jar ./.kgrid/kgrid-activator-1.7.0.jar --kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url=filesystem:file:////Users/username/mygrid --kgrid.shelf.manifest=https://github.com/kgrid-objects/example-collection/releases/download/4.2.1/getting-started-manifest.json

Starting KGrid activator...

# Kicking the tires and taking it for a spin

We should now have a Kgrid Activator running with a single Javascript Knowledge Object activated. We can go to http://localhost:8080 to check its status. Going to http://localhost:8080/endpoints will display information about the activated objects and give us a link with which to execute the KO

# Using a remote runtime

Currently, the Kgrid Activator natively supports Knowledge Objects written in Javascript, however the Activator has the ability to support more languages by connecting to runtimes that can be built to handle them.

# The runtimes must be started after the activator

# Step 1 - Install KGrid NodeJS runtime

Here, we will install and run the Kgrid NodeJS Runtime, which will allow the Activator to handle objects written in NodeJS. Install the runtime globally with the following command:

> npm install -g @kgrid/noderuntime

# Step 2 - Stop and restart the Activator

Here, we will stop the Activator by pressing ctrl + C in the terminal. Now, we will start it again pointed to a manifest that contains some Knowledge Objects written in NodeJS.

> kgrid start -m https://github.com/kgrid-objects/example-collection/releases/download/3.0.0/start-up-node-manifest.json

# Step 3 - Start KGrid NodeJS runtime

Now, we will start the NodeJS runtime. The runtime will register with the activator, and the activator will then activate the NodeJS KOs.

> mkdir kgrid_node_runtime
> cd kgrid_node_runtime
> kgrid-node


Once the Library (http://localhost:8081 (opens new window)) and Activator (http://localhost:8080 (opens new window)) are running you can open a browser window verify that both are running

The Library will be loaded with the example KO collection.

The Activator will show a list of links for detailed information.

# What's next?

If you'd like to load existing Knowledge Objects to the Activator or Library, KGrid team has developed several collections of KOs you can try:

CPIC Collection (opens new window)

More information on KO collections can be found at https://kgrid-objects.github.io/ (opens new window)

If you'd like to create a new Knowledge Object, please refer to Developer's Guide (opens new window)

For more information on remote runtimes and developing your own look in the advanced tutiorials.

Last Updated: 6/9/2023, 3:48:19 PM