# KGrid CLI
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Command-line tool for Knowledge Object developers
# Usage
$ npm install -g @kgrid/cli
$ kgrid COMMAND
running command...
$ kgrid (-v|--version|version)
@kgrid/cli/0.7.0 linux-x64 node-v14.18.0
$ kgrid --help [COMMAND]
$ kgrid COMMAND
# Commands
kgrid create [KO]
kgrid create-manifest
kgrid download
kgrid help [COMMAND]
kgrid list
kgrid package [ARK]
kgrid package-all
kgrid play [ARK]
kgrid setup
kgrid start
kgrid start:activator
kgrid start:library
kgrid upload [ARK]
# kgrid create [KO]
Create Knowledge Object.
Create Knowledge Object.
The create command requires a name for the knowledge object.
It can only run at the shelf level or the KO level.
A folder for the knowledge object will be created.
A development ARK ID will be assigned {username}/{ko}.
The ARK ID is unique for the KO.
The KO will be initialized using one of the templates.
The template is determined by the user's choice of the target runtime and template type.
$ kgrid create [KO]
-h, --help show CLI help
The create command requires a name for the knowledge object.
It can only run at the shelf level or the KO level.
A folder for the knowledge object will be created.
A development ARK ID will be assigned {username}/{ko}.
The ARK ID is unique for the KO.
The KO will be initialized using one of the templates.
The template is determined by the user's choice of the target runtime and template type.
See code: src/commands/create.js (opens new window)
# kgrid create-manifest
Generates a manifest for all the objects in the current or given directory
Generates a manifest for all the objects in the current or given directory
Generate a manifest for all the objects in a directory
$ kgrid create-manifest
-f, --force Use default values for all prompted choices
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --source=source The folder holding the kos as the source directory
-t, --target=target The target path and name of the manifest file
Generate a manifest for all the objects in a directory
See code: src/commands/create-manifest.js (opens new window)
# kgrid download
Download a collection of Knowledge Object to the current directory.
Download a collection of Knowledge Object to the current directory.
The download command will download KOs to the current directory by default or the directory specified by '-d'. The KO to be downloaded can be specified by either the filename (a local ZIP file or a URL), or a manifest file or a comma-delimited list of manifest files (could be a mix of local files and URLs). A new `manifest.json` file will be created with a record of the downloaded KO URIs.
$ kgrid download
-d, --destination=destination The directory to store the downloaded KO(s)
-e, --extract Extract the entries from the zip file
-f, --file=file The filename of the packaged KO to be downloaded
-h, --help show CLI help
-m, --manifest=manifest The manifest file listing the KOs to be downloaded
The download command will download KOs to the current directory by default or the directory specified by '-d'. The KO
to be downloaded can be specified by either the filename (a local ZIP file or a URL), or a manifest file or a
comma-delimited list of manifest files (could be a mix of local files and URLs). A new `manifest.json` file will be
created with a record of the downloaded KO URIs.
See code: src/commands/download.js (opens new window)
# kgrid help [COMMAND]
display help for kgrid
display help for <%= config.bin %>
$ kgrid help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help (opens new window)
# kgrid list
List all Knowledge Objects on the shelf.
List all Knowledge Objects on the shelf.
The list command will provide a list of the Knowledge Objects on the shelf.
$ kgrid list
The list command will provide a list of the Knowledge Objects on the shelf.
See code: src/commands/list.js (opens new window)
# kgrid package [ARK]
Package the knowledge object.
Package the knowledge object.
The package command will package the specified KO into a ZIP file, ready for depositing into a KGrid Library or deploying to a KGrid Activator.
If running at the shelf level, it requires the ark id for the knowledge object. Or, the flag --source can be used to specify the directory for the knowledge object you'd like to package.
If running at the KO level and a different KO is provided at the command line, the command line input will be ignored.
Example: kgrid package ark:/hello/world
Example: kgrid package --source hello-world
$ kgrid package [ARK]
-d, --destination=destination the directory for the packaged file
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --source=source The folder holding the ko as the source directory
The package command will package the specified KO into a ZIP file, ready for depositing into a KGrid Library or
deploying to a KGrid Activator.
If running at the shelf level, it requires the ark id for the knowledge object. Or, the flag --source can be used to
specify the directory for the knowledge object you'd like to package.
If running at the KO level and a different KO is provided at the command line, the command line input will be ignored.
Example: kgrid package ark:/hello/world
Example: kgrid package --source hello-world
See code: src/commands/package.js (opens new window)
# kgrid package-all
Package all the knowledge objects in the specified directory.
Package all the knowledge objects in the specified directory.
Package every knowledge object in a directory
$ kgrid package-all
-d, --destination=destination The directory for the packaged files
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --source=source The folder holding the kos as the source directory
-v, --verbose Display the packaged files while added to the package
Package every knowledge object in a directory
See code: src/commands/package-all.js (opens new window)
# kgrid play [ARK]
Try out a Knowledge Object using Swagger Editor.
Try out a Knowledge Object using Swagger Editor.
The play command will let the user to select and interact with an activated KO using the online Swagger Editor.
The KO can be specified using the argument [ARK].
Example: kgrid play ark:/hello/world
Or it can be selected from a list of the activated KOs.
A local KGRID activator needs to be running to use the play command.
If the activator is not running at the default port, use the option of '-p' to specify the port.
$ kgrid play [ARK]
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --url=url The URL of the activator or library to upload the packaged KO
-o, --open Open the url in the default browser
-p, --port=port Specify the port for KGRID Activator
The play command will let the user to select and interact with an activated KO using the online Swagger Editor.
The KO can be specified using the argument [ARK].
Example: kgrid play ark:/hello/world
Or it can be selected from a list of the activated KOs.
A local KGRID activator needs to be running to use the play command.
If the activator is not running at the default port, use the option of '-p' to specify the port.
See code: src/commands/play.js (opens new window)
# kgrid setup
Install KGrid Components and set up kgrid environment.
Install KGrid Components and set up kgrid environment.
KGrid Activator and Library JAR files will be downloaded and installed.
By default, the components will be downloaded and saved in /.kgrid under current directory.
The flag -g can be used to install the KGrid components as globally accessible.
The global location will be the folder defined by the environment variable of KGRID_HOME.
IF KGRID_HOME is not defined, the user home will be used.
$ kgrid setup
-g, --global Install at a globally accessible location
-u, --update Update the KGrid components to the latest release
KGrid Activator and Library JAR files will be downloaded and installed.
By default, the components will be downloaded and saved in /.kgrid under current directory.
The flag -g can be used to install the KGrid components as globally accessible.
The global location will be the folder defined by the environment variable of KGRID_HOME.
IF KGRID_HOME is not defined, the user home will be used.
See code: src/commands/setup.js (opens new window)
# kgrid start
Start Both KGrid Activator and KGrid Library.
Start Both KGrid Activator and KGrid Library.
This command will start both KGrid Activator and KGrid Library.
By default, the command will use the current directory as the shelf.
The shelf can be specified using the flag -s.
The default ports for Activator and Library are 8080 and 8081, respectively.
KGrid Activator and KGrid Library can be started individually, also with more options for configuration.
See the commands listed below.
$ kgrid start
-m, --manifest=manifest Specify a URI for the manifest file to retrieving the packaged KOs
-s, --shelf=shelf Specify an absolute path to use as the shelf containing KOs
This command will start both KGrid Activator and KGrid Library.
By default, the command will use the current directory as the shelf.
The shelf can be specified using the flag -s.
The default ports for Activator and Library are 8080 and 8081, respectively.
KGrid Activator and KGrid Library can be started individually, also with more options for configuration.
See the commands listed below.
See code: src/commands/start/index.js (opens new window)
# kgrid start:activator
Start KGrid Activator.
Start KGrid Activator.
This command starts KGrid Activator at the default port of 8080.
The port can be configured using the flag -p.
Example: kgrid start:activator -p 8088
The current directory will be used as the default shelf unless specified using the flag -s.
$ kgrid start:activator
-j, --jarfile=jarfile Specify the activator JAR file to use other than the installed one
-m, --manifest=manifest Specify a URI for the manifest file to retrieving the packaged KOs
-p, --port=port Specify the port for KGRID Activator
-s, --shelf=shelf Specify an absolute path to use as the shelf containing KOs
This command starts KGrid Activator at the default port of 8080.
The port can be configured using the flag -p.
Example: kgrid start:activator -p 8088
The current directory will be used as the default shelf unless specified using the flag -s.
See code: src/commands/start/activator.js (opens new window)
# kgrid start:library
Start KGrid Library.
Start KGrid Library.
This command starts KGrid Library at the default port of 8080.
The port can be configured using the flag -p.
Example: kgrid start:library -p 8088
The current directory will be used as the default shelf unless specified using the flag -s.
$ kgrid start:library
-j, --jarfile=jarfile Specify the library JAR file to use other than the installed one
-m, --manifest=manifest Specify a URI for the manifest file to retrieving the packaged KOs
-p, --port=port Specify the port for KGRID Library
-s, --shelf=shelf Specify an absolute path to use as the shelf containing KOs
This command starts KGrid Library at the default port of 8080.
The port can be configured using the flag -p.
Example: kgrid start:library -p 8088
The current directory will be used as the default shelf unless specified using the flag -s.
See code: src/commands/start/library.js (opens new window)
# kgrid upload [ARK]
Upload a packaged Knowledge Object to a KGRID activator or library.
Upload a packaged Knowledge Object to a KGRID activator or library.
The upload command will send the packaged KO to a specified activator.
$ kgrid upload [ARK]
-f, --file=file The filename of the packaged KO to be uploaded
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --url=url The URL of the activator or library to upload the packaged KO
-p, --port=port Specify the port for KGRID Activator
--activator Specify the activator as the target for uploading,
--library Specify the library as the target for uploading,
The upload command will send the packaged KO to a specified activator.