# Configuration

There are a few environment variables that can be set to control different aspects of the activator. They can be set as environment variables, or passed into the terminal command while running the activator.

# Security Configuration

# cors.url

  • The Activator by default allows all origins access to the api.
    • Default value: none
    • Command line:
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --cors.url=https://myservice.com
    • Environment Variable:
      export CORS_URL=https://myservice.com

# spring.profiles.active

  • Sets the security profile, which requires a username and password to access certain endpoints. Setting to dev will put the activator in dev mode, with no security.

    Note: if not in dev mode, the username and password must be set. See the entries for spring.security.user.name and spring.security.user.password.

    • Default value: Secured
    • Command line:
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev
    • Environment Variable:
  • Endpoints secured:

    • GET /actuator/health (Secure endpoint shows only UP or DOWN)
    • GET /actuator/info
    • GET /activate
    • POST /kos
    • POST /kos/manifest
    • POST /kos/manifest-list
    • PUT /kos/{naan}/{name}/{version}
    • DELETE /kos/{naan}/{name}/{version}

# spring.security.user.name

  • Specify the admin username. Security is enabled by default, so if this property is not set, the admin features will be inaccessible.
    • Default value: none
    • Command line:
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --spring.security.user.name=AzureDiamond
    • Environment Variable:
      export SPRING_SECURITY_USER_NAME=AzureDiamond

# spring.security.user.password

  • Specify the admin password. Security is enabled by default, so if this property is not set, the admin features will be inaccessible.
    • Default value: none
    • Command line:
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --spring.security.password=hunter2
    • Environment Variable:
      export SPRING_SECURITY_PASSWORD=hunter2

# Startup Configuration

# kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url

  • Specify the path to a custom shelf directory, which can be preloaded with KOs. Can be an absolute or relative path.
    • Default value: shelf (in current working directory)
    • Command line (absolute path):
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url=filesystem:file:///data/myshelf
    • relative path:
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url=filesystem:file:///c:/Users/me/myshelf
    • environment variable:
      export KGRID_SHELF_CDOSTORE_URL=filesystem:file:///data/myshelf

# kgrid.shelf.manifest

  • Specify the path to a json file that contains a list of references to KOs that will be loaded on startup. Existing KOs in the shelf directory will be overwritten if they are contained in the manifest. This can be set to a file path, or a URL. Check out a properly formatted manifest in the latest release of the Example Collection.
    • Default Value: none
    • Command line (file path):
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --kgrid.shelf.manifest=filesystem:file:///c:/Users/me/myStuff/manifest.json
    • Command line (URL):
      java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --kgrid.shelf.manifest=https://github.com/kgrid-objects/example-collection/releases/download/4.1.1/manifest.json
    • Environment variable (URL):
      export KGRID_SHELF_MANIFEST=filesystem:file:///c:/Users/me/myStuff/manifest.json

# server.port

  • Specify a particular port on which the activator should start
    • Default value: 8080
    • Command line:
    java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --server.port=9090
    • Environment Variable:
    export SERVER_PORT=9090

# kgrid.activator.adapter-locations

  • Specify additional adapters to be loaded. Can be a comma-separated list of .jar file or directory urls or a single jar file url or url of a directory containing jar files.
    • Default value: file:adapters
    • Command line:
    java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --kgrid.activator.adapter-locations=file:adapters,file:more-adapters/my-adapter.jar,https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/kgrid/resource-adapter/0.1.3/resource-adapter-0.1.3.jar
    • Environment Variable:
    export KGRID_ACTIVATOR_ADAPTER-LOCATIONS=file:adapters,file:more-adapters/my-adapter.jar,https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/kgrid/resource-adapter/0.1.3/resource-adapter-0.1.3.jar

# Debug Configuration

# logging.level

  • Specify the logging level for a particular package
    • The Highest level is logging.level.root which will affect all classes
    • A particular package can be specified by adding the package location to the end like so:
    • Default value: INFO
    • Possible Values: INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
    • Command line:
    java -jar kgrid-activator-#.#.#.jar --logging.level.org.kgrid.classToLog=DEBUG
    • Environment Variable:
    export logging.level.org.kgrid.classToLog=DEBUG
    • Note: This also works with Spring classes, like RestTemplate, which will allow you to see more info about particular rest calls.
      • Example: logging.level.org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate=DEBUG

# Spring Configuration Settings

# Proposed Configuration

# kgrid.activator.allowRuntimeImport

  • While running the Activator packaged KO (zip file) can be uploaded to the /kos endpoint to add a KO to the shelf
  • While running the Activator a manifest (json or yaml) can be POSTed to the /kos endpoint to initiate loading of one or more KOs from an external path (See Loading KOs onto the Shelf in the Kgrid Shelf documentation)

# kgrid.activator.autoActivateOnStartup

  • Toggle whether the activator tries to activate KOs on startup
  • Currently, the activator will try to activate everything in the shelf directory, as well as everything in the manifest set to kgrid.shelf.manifest.
Last Updated: 6/3/2021, 2:16:56 PM