# Activator API

Various APIs implemented by the Activator for managing and using endpoint services packed as Knowledge Objects. The Activator also uses the Shelf API to manage loading and providing access to KOs themselves. It should be noted that some endpoints are secured by default, unless running in dev mode, which can be set using spring.profiles.active=dev when starting the activator.

# Executing KO Endpoints (Request API)

The Request API exposes the micro-API for the services provided by each KO in the service description.

# POST /{naan}/{name}/{apiVersion}/{endpoint}

  • Execute the payload of a particular version of an endpoint
  • Secured by default: No
  • Headers
    Accept: not required, if provided must match the media-type for the path in the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
    Content-type: required, and must be one of the types in the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
  • Request Body
    {"name":"Mario"} (*This depends on the inputs for the endpoint payload)
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/js/simple/1.0/welcome' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "name": "Mario"
  • Responses
    • 200: Will return the result of execution wrapped in a json object along with debug info containing the metadata for the KO
        "result": "Welcome to Knowledge Grid, Mario",
        "info": {
      	  "ko": {
      		  "@id": "js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "@type": "koio:KnowledgeObject",
      		  "identifier": "ark:/js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "version": "v1.0",
      		  "title": "Hello world",
      		  "description": "An example of simple Knowledge Object",
      		  "keywords": [
      		  "hasServiceSpecification": "service.yaml",
      		  "hasDeploymentSpecification": "deployment.yaml",
      		  "hasPayload": "src/index.js",
      		  "@context": [
      	  "inputs": "{\n\t\"name\": \"Mario\"\n}"
  • Errors
    • 404:
          "Status": "404 Not Found",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/missing",
          "Title": "Endpoint not found",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:18:26 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "No active endpoints found for js/simple/missing"
    • 415: If the Content-Type header does not match what the KO has described in the service description
          "Status": "415 Unsupported Media Type",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "Unsupported Media Type",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:20:18 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Endpoint js/simple/1.0/welcome does not support media type text/plain. Supported Content Types: [application/json]"
    • 500: (Could depend on the adapter used for execution)
          "Status": "500 Internal Server Error",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "General Adapter Exception",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:23:16 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Code execution error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 11"

# POST /{naan}/{name}/{endpoint}?v={apiVersion}

  • Execute the payload of a particular version of an endpoint using a query parameter
  • Secured by default: No
  • Headers
    Accept: not required, if provided must match the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
    Content-type: required, and must be one of the types in the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
  • Request Body
    {"name":"Mario"} (*This depends on the inputs for the endpoint payload)
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/js/simple/welcome?v=1.0' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "name": "Mario"
  • Responses
    • 200: Will return the result of execution wrapped in a json object along with debug info containing the metadata for the KO.
        "result": "Welcome to Knowledge Grid, Mario",
        "info": {
      	  "ko": {
      		  "@id": "js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "@type": "koio:KnowledgeObject",
      		  "identifier": "ark:/js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "version": "v1.0",
      		  "title": "Hello world",
      		  "description": "An example of simple Knowledge Object",
      		  "keywords": [
      		  "hasServiceSpecification": "service.yaml",
      		  "hasDeploymentSpecification": "deployment.yaml",
      		  "hasPayload": "src/index.js",
      		  "@context": [
      	  "inputs": "{\n\t\"name\": \"Mario\"\n}"
  • Errors
    • 404:
          "Status": "404 Not Found",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/missing",
          "Title": "Endpoint not found",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:18:26 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "No active endpoints found for js/simple/missing"
    • 415: If the Content-Type header does not match what the KO has described in the service description
          "Status": "415 Unsupported Media Type",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "Unsupported Media Type",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:20:18 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Endpoint js/simple/1.0/welcome does not support media type text/plain. Supported Content Types: [application/json]"
    • 500: (Could depend on the adapter used for execution)
          "Status": "500 Internal Server Error",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "General Adapter Exception",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:23:16 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Code execution error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 11"

# POST /{naan}/{name}/{endpoint}

  • Execute the payload of the default version of an endpoint
    • Default Version: If the endpoint version is not supplied in the above request, this particular activator has a concept of 'default version', where it will use the first endpoint it finds that matches the naan, name, and endpoint name. This is an implementation detail, and is not enforced.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Headers
    Accept: not required, if provided must match the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
    Content-type: required, and must be one of the types in the OpenAPI document for the endpoint.
  • Request Body
    {"name":"Mario"} (*This depends on the inputs for the endpoint payload)
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/js/simple/welcome' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
    "name": "Mario"
  • Responses
    • 200: Will return the result of execution wrapped in a json object along with debug info containing the metadata for the KO
        "result": "Welcome to Knowledge Grid, Mario",
        "info": {
      	  "ko": {
      		  "@id": "js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "@type": "koio:KnowledgeObject",
      		  "identifier": "ark:/js/simple/v1.0",
      		  "version": "v1.0",
      		  "title": "Hello world",
      		  "description": "An example of simple Knowledge Object",
      		  "keywords": [
      		  "hasServiceSpecification": "service.yaml",
      		  "hasDeploymentSpecification": "deployment.yaml",
      		  "hasPayload": "src/index.js",
      		  "@context": [
      	  "inputs": "{\n\t\"name\": \"Mario\"\n}"
  • Errors
    • 404:
          "Status": "404 Not Found",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/missing",
          "Title": "Endpoint not found",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:18:26 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "No active endpoints found for js/simple/missing"
    • 415: If the Content-Type header does not match what the KO has described in the service description
          "Status": "415 Unsupported Media Type",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "Unsupported Media Type",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:20:18 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Endpoint js/simple/1.0/welcome does not support media type text/plain. Supported Content Types: [application/json]"
    • 500: (Could depend on the adapter used for execution)
          "Status": "500 Internal Server Error",
          "Instance": "uri=/js/simple/1.0/welcome",
          "Title": "General Adapter Exception",
          "Time": "Wed Feb 24 16:23:16 EST 2021",
          "Detail": "Code execution error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token b in JSON at position 11"

# Loading and Activating KOs (Activation API)

  • The Activator's tools for loading, activating, and refreshing KOs hosted on the shelf.

    • Once a KO has been activated, any activated endpoints will remain functional even if the KO is deleted from the shelf, unless or until the activation state is refreshed (using /actuator/refresh or /actuator/refresh/{naan}/{name}).
    • Likewise, new KOs added to the shelf will NOT be activated unless or until the activation state is refreshed (using /actuator/refresh or /actuator/refresh/{naan}/{name}).
    • On reload (using /actuator/reload or /actuator/reload/{naan}/{name}/{version}) all endpoints for the reloaded KOs are also activated.

# GET /actuator/activation/refresh

  • All currently loaded endpoints (activated or not) are reactivated and replaced.
    • KOs are not reloaded from the shelf.
    • Newly added KOs may have to be reloaded using the reload endpoint below.
  • Secured by default: Yes
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/activation/refresh'
  • Responses
    • 303: Redirects to /endpoints

# GET /actuator/activation/refresh/{engine}

  • All currently loaded endpoints for a particular runtime (activated or not) are reactivated and replaced.
  • Secured by default: Yes
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/activation/refresh/python'
  • Responses
    • 303: Redirects to /endpoints

# GET /actuator/activation/reload

  • This will discard the endpoints for every KO, reload every KO from the shelf, and then activate all endpoints.
  • Secured by default: Yes
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/activation/reload'
  • Responses
    • 303: Redirects to /endpoints

# GET /actuator/activation/reload/{naan}/{name}/?v={version}

  • This will discard the endpoints for the specified KO, reload it from the shelf, and then activate its endpoints.
  • Secured by default: Yes
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/activation/reload/js/simple/?v=v1.0'
  • Responses
    • 303: Redirects to /endpoints

# GET /actuator/activation/reload/{naan}/{name}/{version}

  • This will discard the endpoints for the specified KO, reload it from the shelf, and then activate its endpoints.
  • Secured by default: Yes
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/activation/reload/js/simple/v1.0'
  • Responses
    • 303: Redirects to /endpoints

# Finding Info About Endpoints (Endpoint Resource API)

  • The Activator's method of retrieving representations of endpoints as resources

# GET /endpoints

  • Returns an array of all currently loaded endpoints, whether they are activated or not.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/endpoints'
  • Responses
    • 200:
      	     "title": "Hello world",
      	     "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
      	     "status": "ACTIVATED",
      	     "engine": "javascript",
      	     "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0",
      	     "@id": "js/simple/1.0/welcome",
      	     "@context": [

# GET /endpoints/{engine}

  • Returns an array of all currently loaded endpoints for a particular runtime, whether they are activated or not.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/endpoints/node'
  • Responses
    • 200:
      	     "title": "Hello world",
      	     "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/node/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/node/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
      	     "status": "ACTIVATED",
      	     "engine": "node",
      	     "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0",
      	     "@id": "node/simple/1.0/welcome",
      	     "@context": [

# GET /endpoints/{naan}/{name}/{endpoint}

  • Returns an array of json representations of every api version of a particular endpoint.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/endpoints/js/simple/welcome'
  • Responses
    • 200:
      	     "title": "Hello world",
      	     "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
      	     "status": "ACTIVATED",
      	     "engine": "javascript",
      	     "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0",
      	     "@id": "js/simple/1.0/welcome",
      	     "@context": [
      	     "title": "Hello world",
      	     "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/js/simple/v2/service.yaml",
      	     "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/js/simple/v2/service.yaml",
      	     "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
      	     "status": "ACTIVATED",
      	     "engine": "javascript",
      	     "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v2",
      	     "@id": "js/simple/2.0.1/welcome",
      	     "@context": [

# GET /endpoints/{naan}/{name}/{endpoint}?v={apiVersion}

  • Returns an array of json representations of a particular api version of a particular endpoint.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/endpoints/js/simple/welcome?v=v1.0'
  • Responses
    • 200:
      	     "title": "Hello world",
      	     "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
      	     "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
      	     "status": "ACTIVATED",
      	     "engine": "javascript",
      	     "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0",
      	     "@id": "js/simple/1.0/welcome",
      	     "@context": [

# GET /endpoints/{naan}/{name}/{apiVersion}/{endpointName}

  • Returns a json representation of a particular api version of a particular endpoint.
  • Secured by default: No
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/endpoints/js/simple/v1.0/welcome'
  • Responses
    • 200:
               "title": "Hello world",
               "swaggerLink": "https://editor.swagger.io?url=http://localhost:8080/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
               "hasServiceSpecification": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0/service.yaml",
               "activated": "2021-02-25T16:30:44.804575",
               "status": "ACTIVATED",
               "engine": "javascript",
               "knowledgeObject": "/kos/js/simple/v1.0",
               "@id": "js/simple/1.0/welcome",
               "@context": [

# Health and Info API

Activators should provide application and health information via /actuator/health and /actuator/info endpoints.

# GET /actuator/health (Required)

  • The Activator's portal into its health, as well as the status of its components and adapters
    • We suggest following the conventions in the Spring Boot production health information guidelines.
    • The /actuator/health endpoint should indicate the status of individual components (adapters, shelf cdo store, runtimes, KOs and their activation status) to aid monitoring in troubleshooting Activator deployments.
    • The health endpoint must provide a `{ "status": "<UP|DOWN>" } response at a minimum.
    • An Activator implementation may use additional statuses as needed which can be documented for deployers, etc.
    • Health information should focus on details that help understand why the Activator, or a component is up or down.
    • By default, the actuator health indicator only exposes the top level status: status: UP unless the user is logged in, or the dev spring profile environment variable is active. SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=DEV
  • Secured by default: Yes (More info is returned on login)
  • Curl Command
    curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/health'
  • Responses
    • 200: (When activator and adapter are both UP)
        "status": "UP",
        "components": {
          "activationService": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
              "kos": 0,
              "endpoints": 0
          "org.kgrid.adapter.javascript.JavascriptAdapter": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
              "type": "JAVASCRIPT",
              "created": "2020-06-18T18:07:52.492425Z"
    • 200: (When an adapter is DOWN)
        "status": "UP",
        "components": {
          "activationService": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
              "kos": 0,
              "endpoints": 0
          "org.kgrid.adapter.javascript.JavascriptAdapter": {
            "status": "DOWN"
    • 200: (When Activator is DOWN)
        "status": "DOWN"

# GET /actuator/info (Optional)

  • Secured by default: Yes
  • An optional endpoint where extended information may be made available.
    • See Spring Boot application health information guidelines for examples of suitable patterns which can be implemented in many frameworks and languages.
    • We suggest that implementations provide things like a list of adapters and runtimes currently deployed, as well as counts or lists of KOs available to the Activator, endpoints activated, perhaps total requests, uptime, build information, key environment variables, etc.
    • Be careful not to expose sensitive information. The /actuator/health and /actuator/info endpoints should be secured (e.g. with OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens).
    • The /actuator/info endpoint should return a map of information sets in JSON or YAML.

# Proposed API Changes

  • Endpoint execution will return KO output and link to provenance, tracing, etc. `GET /endpoints/{naan}/{name}
Last Updated: 6/3/2021, 2:16:56 PM