Getting Started
There are two ways to utilize an activator: (1) Load to the Activator (pull from the library), and (2) Download and Direct Upload. Direct upload may be useful when testing during development by eliminating the library steps. First, we will show how to load to the activator by pulling from the KGrid library. (Note: The KGrid sandbox activator works with python knowledge objects and is available at the following baseUrl:
Load to Activator: Basic Steps
Find the knowledge objects (KO) ArkID. The ArkID can be found at the KGrid Library.
Using REST API commands, add KO to shelf. Execute the PUT command.
PUT baseUrl/shelf/ark:/ArkID
Check the shelf to make sure the KO ArkID was properly added. If your ArkID of interest is not on the shelf, double check you have the correct ArkID and re-do step 2.
GET baseUrl/shelf/
Add body (input parameters) and tests (optional). The following header must be used when execute KO. Copy & Paste the header into your REST API client and execute the POST command.
Accept:application/json Content-Type:application/json
POST baseUrl/knowledgeObject/ark:/ArkID/result
Example 1:
Now, let’s try using an actual knowledge object: Total Prescriptions.
Find KO Ark ID from the KGrid Library. The ArkID is ark:/99999/fk4rf60z9w
- Using REST API commands, add the KO the shelf. Open your REST API client, and run the following ADD/UPDATE command.
PUT baseUrl/shelf/ark:/99999/fk4rf60z9w
Check if the KO is on the shelf. If the Ark ID is not on the shelf, double check you have the correct Ark ID and re-do step 2.
GET baseUrl/shelf
Now let’s execute the KO. Let’s add a basic body that was included in the test function within the Total Prescriptions script. Copy & Paste the header and execute the command.
body = {“DrugIDs”:”101 204 708 406 190”}.Accept:application/json Content-Type:application/json
POST baseUrl/ark:/99999/fk4rf60z9w/result
The output should be 5.
Direct Upload to Activator: Basic Steps
- If you are downloading a payload from a KO, go to the KGrid Library and find the KO of interest. Click download.
- Go to your REST API client and use the PUT command to add the payload to the shelf. In order to add a payload to the shelf, an Ark ID must be defined. We suggest choosing a test Ark ID or one not in use to prevent confusion.
- Copy & Paste the payload into the body, add the required header, and execute the PUT command
- Check in the KO is on the shelf. If the Ark ID is not on the shelf, double check you have the correct ArkID and re-do step 2.
- Add body (input parameters) and tests (optional). Execute the KO.
Example 2:
Let’s use the same KO we used in Example 1: Total Prescriptions.
Find the Total Prescriptions KO of from ObjectTeller, and download the payload, or copy & paste the payload below.
{ "metadata": { "title": "Total Prescriptions", "owner": "", "description": "Example of creating a KO for Authoring Manual", "contributors": "Ian Informatician", "keywords": "", "published": false, "lastModified": 1479790800000, "createdOn": 1479186000000, "objectType": null, "citations": [], "license": { "licenseName": "", "licenseLink": "null" } }, "inputMessage": "<rdf:RDF xmlns:ot=\"\"\n xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\">\n <ot:noofparams>1</ot:noofparams>\n <ot:params>\n <rdf:Seq>\n <rdf:li>rxcuisIn</rdf:li>\n </rdf:Seq>\n </ot:params>\n </rdf:Description>\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\">\n <ot:datatype>STRING</ot:datatype>\n </rdf:Description>\n</rdf:RDF>\n", "outputMessage": "<rdf:RDF xmlns:ot=\"\"\n xmlns:rdf=\"\">\n <rdf:Description rdf:about=\"\">\n <ot:returntype>INT</ot:returntype>\n </rdf:Description>\n</rdf:RDF>\n", "payload": { "content": "def TotalPrescriptions(DrugIDDict):\n rxcuistring = DrugIDDict.get(\"DrugIDs\")\n rxcuis=rxcuistring.split()\n return (len(rxcuis))\n\ndef test():\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"\"}) == 0:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"101 204 708 406 190\"}) == 5:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"101 204 708\"}) == 3:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"192\"}) == 1:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"192 108 458 378 142 155 246\"}) == 7:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n if TotalPrescriptions({\"DrugIDs\":\"192 108 458 378 142 155 246 123 423\"}) == 9:\n print (\"ok.\")\n else:\n print (\"error.\")\n", "functionName": "TotalPrescriptions()", "engineType": "Python" }, "logData": "99999-fk4rf60z9w wasGeneratedBy \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w isA \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w wasAttributedTo Ian Informatician \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w/Log/CreateActivity isA \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w/Log/CreateActivity startedAtTime Tue Nov 15 10:29:25 EST 2016 \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w/Log/CreateActivity Used \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w/Log/CreateActivity wasAssociatedWith Ian Informatician \n 99999-fk4rf60z9w/Log/CreateActivity endedAtTime Tue Nov 15 10:29:25 EST 2016 \n ", "uri": "ark:/99999/fk4rf60z9w" }
Go to your REST API client and use the PUT command to add the payload to the shelf. Let’s assign this KO the following ark ID:ark:/99999/123.
Copy & Paste or Upload the payload into the body. To add the payload, click “body”, “raw”, and then use the drop down box to change “text” to select “JSON (application/json)”. Paste the JSON formatted payload into the body, and execute the PUT command.
PUT baseUrl/shelf/ark:/99999/123
Check if the KO is on the shelf by looking for the ark ID.
GET baseUrl/shelf/
Using the POST command, add body (input parameters) and tests(optional). Copy & Paste the header and execute the KO.
body = {“DrugIDs”:”101 204 708 406 190”}Accept:application/json Content-Type:application/json
POST baseUrl/knowledgeObject/ark:/99999/123/result
The output should be 5.
Helpful Tools
We have created some helpful tools to help streamline this process, including a knowledge object generator and an input/output RDF generator. Check out the Additional Resources section to find these tools and other resources you can utilize when working with an Activator: