
Library Quick Start

These instructions will get the Kgrid Library running with sample set of Knowledge Objects.


For running the application you need:

Running the Library

Download the latest library jar from GitHub Latest Library Release.

  1. Create a library directory
  2. Download kgrid-library-#.#.#.jar
  3. Place the kgrid-library-#.#.#.jar into the library
  4. Create a directory named shelf in the new library directory

Directory structure should look similar to the following

 ├── library
     └── shelf  
     └── kgrid-library-#.#.#.jar

The library is executable jar and can be run from the command line. Open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where the jar and shelf are located.

Type in the following.

 java -jar kgrid-library-#.#.#.jar

By default the activator will run on port 8080. You can validate the activator is up and running using the library health endpoint. The health of the Activator should display a status of ** UP**.

  status: "UP",
  userDetailService: {
    status: "UP",
    number of users: 2
  }  ,
  ezidService: {
    status: "UP",
    ezid.base.url: "",
    ezid.mock: "false"
  shelf: {
    status: "UP",
    kgrid.shelf.cdostore.url: "/Users/me/library/shelf"
  diskSpace: {
    status: "UP",
    total: 402672611328,
    free: 269428576256,
    threshold: 10485760

Now simply navigate to the KGrid Library.

Adding the Hello World KO on the Library

The Library allows you to take deposit a Knowledge Object archive (zip file). On the KGrid Library main page you will see a Deposit Knowledge Object.

  1. Download
  2. Navigate to the KGrid Library site.
  3. Follow this screen flow
  1. Click on Deposit Knowledge Object in the right side of the screen
  2. Click in the grey box to bring up a file select window.
  3. Select the you just download
    Click Deposit Object in the lower right of the screen.
  4. The file will be upload to the library and you return to library main screen.